
Help Support Women in AI 
Friday, June 17, 2022, 10:01 AM
Posted by Administrator
If only 22% of your field is female, there is a problem. For my daughters – I want to do my part to shift the gender imbalance within tech & data.

$50,000 is an enormous amount for me & my business – but to genuinely enact change sometimes we must be bold (or perhaps crazy)

I’ll be happy to give away any amount, but I REALLY want to give away the full $50,000 so if you can spare a few seconds, please hit that LIKE button.

If you want to do more to support, you can:

👉 Tag an inspirational women from the field in the comments

👉 Tag someone who might want to apply for a DSI Scholarship

👉 Share this post to help it reach more people

For every like this post gets I will give $1 in Data Science Scholarships to Women – up to a maximum of $50,000

I’ve teamed up with Women in AI for this initiative – they are doing incredible things to move the dial.


To apply for one of the Scholarships >>

(only takes 10 mins)

#datascience #data #scholarships
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